Tuesday, February 23

Snow shmow

After two snow storms, there was a lot of ice and accumulation to worry about.  While I was out during the week, I took photos on my cell phone.  In doing so, I feel I employed the lomography method of photography, since I didn't think about composition before I shot, rather I just shot what immediately compelled me.

Here's some of what I saw in my travels.

Monster truck parked on top of a snow mound on Main Street, Manayunk.  This was taken from my car while I drove.

My younger brother Dylan and I went to Chipotle on Lancaster Avenue in Ardmore.  I guess everyone else in town also wanted to eat there so all the parking spaces in the front lot were taken.  I parked around back and after we got our grub on, we saw the week's weather extremes and their effect on the back of the building.

Dylan with a giant staff-like icicle.

This rogue shopping cart received no shelter from the storm.  Talk about being snowed in...

The largest icicles I've ever seen in my life.  They hung from the roof of the building, about 15 feet high from ground level.

Over the weekend I was in Manayunk again.  My friend who lives in the neighborhood pointed out a car in the middle of a side street.  She said that it stalled out while the driver tried to rev it up the frozen-over street.  The driver must have been revving pretty hard since after the truck stalled out, the engine caught fire and the truck's front actually melted down to the frame.  I wish there were more light on the street, but you can see that the front of the truck is lopsided and gnarly.


I really enjoy taking pictures with my cell phone since I always have it with me.  It's only 2 pixels but the photos usually come out clear.  A friend actually commented on the oddities I capture, but I think that my gallery is full of what I see in my every day life.  Understanding more about the lomography method of photography, I know now that I've been a lomographer before I ever realized that I was, only further proving that art is in fact all around us.


  1. Sara, I think you are on to something with the understanding that a cell phone camera functions in such a different way than a camera. I agree that there is less stress to capture that perfect shot, and I love taking pics with my cell. Maybe, it's because by capturing pictures with my cell phone I essentially have a gallery with me at all times and that's nice....but I think we shouldn't over look the freedom that the cell phone camera provides. How often do you use a "regular" camera? Do you take photos with the same lomo method when you have a reg camera?

  2. I like these "on the fly" images. Did you find it difficult to make images without the ability to manipulate the settings?

  3. Kezia, I agree that the camera phone is a wonderful modern addition and the benefit is having a gallery with me all the time; the convenience is unparalleled. I do have a digital camera that's kind of ancient but it takes great shots; I actually do go through more painstaking efforts to capture what I consider a "better" or at least more visually-pleasing shots with this camera. For instance, I visited the site of the Teardrop Memorial yesterday, and am going to post my pictures on the blog soon after I post this comment. Since it is a tall structure, there was a point where I laid on the ground to get the entire memorial in the shot from bottom to top. The whole photo spread was really fun to do, and what I hope will pay reverence to the memorial and to those for whom it's dedicated.

  4. Melissa, thank you for the props! I appreciate boost of confidence coming from a photo master such as yourself. In terms of the camera phone's settings, there are so few technical features that I don't usually photograph complicated subjects with the phone. Rather, if I find something that I like, I make sure it's in the frame and take it. I do find it difficult though to find images that are worthwhile taking without being able to manipulate the settings. That is why I like taking more pictures with my digital camera.
